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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Jamil A. Khan

Title: Director of College Faculty Affairs
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Email: [email protected]
Website: Enhanced Transfer Lab
Phone: 803-777-1578
Fax: 803-777-0106
Office: 300 Main Street
Room 3A45
Columbia, SC 29208
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Headshot of professor Jamil Khan


Dr. Khan's research interest include modeling of manufacturing processes, temperature distribution during machining, heat transfer and fluid flow with phase change (solidification/melting in casting, welding), computational and experimental fluid dynamics related to contaminants transport in rooms, heat transfer in porous media, micro-channel heat transfer, thermodynamic analysis of IC Engines, CFD analysis of combustion processes etc.


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, 1988.
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, 1984.
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1977.

Selected Publications

  • Tamanna Alam, Wenming Li, Wei Chang, Fanghao Yang, Jamil Khan, Chen Li, “A comparative study of flow boiling HFE-7100 in silicon nanowire and plainwall microchannels”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 124, (2018). Pp 829-840.
  • Titan C. Paul, A.K.M.M. Morshed, Elise B. Fox, Jamil A. Khan, “Thermal performance of Al2O3 Nanoparticle Enhanced Ionic Liquids (NEILs) for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) applications” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 85, pp. 585-594, 2015.
  • Ruixian Fang and Jamil Khan, “Suppression of Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Parallel Microchannels by using Synthetic Jets”, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 135, Issue 11, 2013.
  • AKM M. Morshed, Fanghao Yong, Yakut Ali, Jamil A. Khan, Chen Li, "Enhanced flow boiling in a micro channelwith integration of nanowires", Applied Thermal Engineering, volume 32, January 2012, Pages 68‐75.
  • AKM M. Morshed, T C Paul,  Jamil A. Khan, "Effect of NanoStructures on Evaporation and Explosive Boiling of Thin Liquid Films: A Molecular Dynamics Study" Applied Physics A : Materials Science & Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s00339‐022‐6577‐8.
  • Ruixian Fang, Wei Jiang, Jamil Khan, “The Effects of a Cross-Flow Synthetic Jet on SinglePhase Microchannel Heat Transfer”, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer , vol. 19(4), pp. 343-358.
  • Wei Jiang, Ruixian Fang, Roger A. Dougal,  Jamil Khan, "Parameter Setting and Analysis of a Dynamic Tubular SOFC Model". Journal of Power Sources, Volume 162, Issue 1 , 8 November 2006, Pages 316-326.
  • Jiang, W., Fang, R., Dougal, R., Khan, J., “Thermoelectric model of a tubular SOFC for dynamic simulation”, Journal of Energy Resource Technology – Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 130 Issue: 2 Article Number: 022601, 2008.

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