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Department of History


Bethany Johnson

Title: Graduate Student
PhD (History of Science, Technology and Environment)
Department: History
College of Arts and Sciences
Email: [email protected]
Bethany Johnson

Advisor: Dr. Joseph November

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Education: M.A. in American Studies, The New School University, MPhil in Development Studies, University of Glasgow, B.A. in History, Nyack College


Bethany L. Johnson (MPhil) is a doctoral candidate in the history of science, technology, and the environment at the University of South Carolina. She explores how science, medical technology, and public health discourses are created, normalized, and reproduced by institutions and individuals from the 19th century to the present; specifically, she studies the history of epidemics and the history of reproductive health. She has published in various journals, including Health Communication, Qualitative Research in Medicine and Healthcare, Social History of Medicine, Journal of Holistic Nursing, Women's Reproductive Health, and Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society. Most recently, she was the Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow for the Consortium of History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (2022-2023). Her book, co-authored with Dr. Margaret M. Quinlan, You’re Doing it Wrong! Mothering, Media, and Medical Expertise is available now through Rutgers University Press. Her research appears in publicly accessible content on YouTube and the National Humanities Center podcast stream. 

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