Board of Trustees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Division of HR
Division of IT
General Counsel
Office of the President
Organizational Excellence
Special Events
University Foundations
HR Service Teams
Please contact the HR Service Team that services your area.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Areas Serviced:
- Audit and Advisory Services
- Athletics
- Board of Trustees
- Division of Academic Affairs and Provost
- Division of Human Resources
- Enrollment Management
- Office of Access, Civil Rights and Community Engagement
- Office of General Counsel
- Office for Innovation, Partnership and Economic Engagement
- College of Pharmacy
- Office of Research
- Office of the President
- Office of Special Events
- University Foundations
Staff Members:
Note: Generalists have primary responsibility for student employment actions.
- Teresa Limpalair, Director
- Davon Wright, Consultant
- Zack James, Generalist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Areas Serviced:
- Arnold School of Public Health
- College of Education
- College of Hospitality, Retail and Sports Management
- College of Information and Communication
- College of Nursing
- School of Music
- University Libraries
Staff Members:
Note: Generalists have primary responsibility for student employment actions.
- Teresa Limpalair, Director
- Taylor McRavin, Generalist
- Wanda Johnson, Generalist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Areas Serviced:
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Communication and Marketing
- Darla Moore School of Business
- External Affairs
- Palmetto College
Staff Members:
Note: Generalists have primary responsibility for student employment actions.
- Teresa Limpalair, Director
- Zack James, Generalist
- Debbie Richardson, Generalist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Areas Serviced:
- Division of Administration and Finance*
*Excluding Division of Human Resources and Office of Special Events - Division of Information Technology
- School of Medicine Columbia
- School of Medicine-Greenville
- University Development
- USC Upstate
Staff Members:
Note: Generalists have primary responsibility for student employment actions.
- Joseph Miller, Manager
- April Ramos, Senior Generalist
- David Collins, Generalist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Areas Serviced:
- College of Social Work
- Division of Student Affairs and Academic Support
- School of Law
- South Carolina Honors College
- USC Aiken
- USC Beaufort
Staff Members:
Note: Generalists have primary responsibility for student employment actions.
- Joseph Miller, Manager
- Karyn Stoneberg, Senior Generalist
- Gwen Washington, Generalist
- Susie Richard, Generalist
HR Expert Teams
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 804
Columbia, S.C. 29208
- Insurance and Retirement: [email protected]
- Leave: [email protected]
- Workers' Compensation: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Fax: 803-777-1584
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 801
Columbia, S.C. 29208
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6650
Fax: 803-777-9660
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 801
Columbia, S.C. 20208
Ciji Tolbert services:
Mira Strobert services:
Division of Administration and Finance
Division of Student Affairs and Academic Support
Enrollment Management
School of Medicine Columbia
School of Medicine Greenville
USC Aiken
USC Beaufort
USC Upstate
Kerrie Jones services:
Arnold School of Public Health
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering and Computing
College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sports Management
Darla Moore School of Business
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost
School of Law
South Carolina Honors College
Katie Davison services:
All research grant and time limited positions
Julie Giusto services:
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
College of Information and Communication
College of Social Work
Office of Research
Palmetto College
School of Music
University Communication
University Libraries
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-3821
Fax: 803-777-7552
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 117
Columbia, S.C. 29208
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-0288 or 803-756-5648
Fax: 803-777-3013
1705 College Street, Rooms 420 and 421
Close-Hipp Building
Columbia, S.C. 29208
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-6578
Fax: 803-777-8210
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 101
Columbia, S.C. 29208
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-3821
Fax: 803-777-0302
1600 Hampton Street, Suite 117
Columbia, S.C. 29208
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 803-777-7550
915 Bull Street
Osborne Administration Building, Suite 208
Columbia, S.C. 29208
The Division of Human Resources is committed to equal access to web content. If you need web content in an alternative format, or have comments or suggestions on accessibility, contact Jasmine Hunter at [email protected] or Kris Mayer at [email protected].