Step 1: Complete the initial application using the “APPLY NOW” link above.
Step 2: Log into your application and complete all Part 1 requirements.
- Program Selection
- Make sure you include Program Name
- Four agreements
- Submit
Step 3: Education Abroad will pre-approve your application.
If you have not received communication within two weeks after submitting Part One, please contact our office at [email protected].
Step 4: Log into your application and complete all Part 2 requirements.
- Financial Aid Pre-Screen Form, if applicable.
- Passport Upload
- Medical Information
- Pre-Departure Modules
Step 5: Education Abroad will enroll you in the mandatory overseas insurance and contact you regarding Final Approval.
Students will be automatically enrolled in the USC Overseas Emergency Medical Insurance, which is required for all non-credit programs.
This application system is not compatible with mobile devices and Safari.