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Department of History


Sam Badger

Title: Graduate Student
Department: Department of History
College of Arts and Sciences
Email: [email protected]
man smiling outside with garnet tie on and gray blazer

Advisors: Dr. Kent Germany and Dr. Patricia Sullivan 


I was born and raised in Plymouth, Michigan. I studied at the University of Alabama for five years and earned a BA and MA. My BA is in Political Science and Economics, and my MA is in History.

I am broadly focused on the political history of the twentieth-century U.S. South. I am especially interested in southern politicians and movements broadly defined as "liberal." I am curious about what exactly it means to be a "liberal" or "progressive" in the context of an apartheid social order. I am also increasingly interested in patronage in southern state governments and its effects on southern political subjectivity. I think studying southern bureaucrats raises questions about the degree to which the twentieth-century South was "modern." I think that questions about the uneven development of modernity in the twentieth-century South may provide interesting answers about the South's political evolution. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
