Graduating on time or early is within your reach. We can help you with three-year
study plans, supplemental course offerings, and summer and winter classes.
Talk to us about creating an accelerated study plan that will allow you to graduate early. Or, if you’ve fallen behind on course credits,
we can help you get back on track to graduate on time with winter and summer sessions .
Our team can help you:
Earn your bachelor’s degree in three years
Graduate on time
Save money. Each extra semester after four years costs an average more than $24,000
(S.C. residents) or $34,500 (non-residents)
Catch up on coursework after changing majors or withdrawing from classes
Take courses remotely
Request classes for summer and winter session
Complete a minor in one summer
Start your graduate degree early
I had AP and dual-enrollment credits when I started and knew I wanted to graduate
early. With an accelerated study plan, I get to pick my classes first to stay on track
for graduation and I'm still able to do a double minor.
— Sydney Luchyn, Biology major, Spanish/Psychology minor
Summer Success Story
Taking summer classes was a huge help with graduating early. I took 4 classes every
summer, which is a lot, but summer classes were typically less stressful when it came
to pacing. All of my courses were offered online, making the experience super flexible!
I would also say that allowing yourself a week or so in the summer of a break, in
between sessions, is crucial to avoid burnout. And, of course, try and make it to
as many campus events as possible. Remind yourself why you chose your school, your
major, and your path, and remember that you'll miss it when it's gone.
Learn about Summer Semester
Graduation and Retention Network (GARNET) 901 Sumter Street, Suite 209 Columbia, SC 29208
[email protected]